We help entrepreneurs collect phone, email, and social links for personal leads through social media.

How Does It Work?


A Message from Chris

In our modern digital age, Social Media has become the gold standard currency.

The trick of the trade?

Establishing connections and wielding influence over your audience.

Sounds challenging, right?

Fear not. Here at FlowData, we've harnessed the power of AI and user-friendly tech to create an uncomplicated way for entrepreneurs to identify and engage with their social media followers. This treasure trove of crucial contact data is merely a click away.

Real talk for a second....

Traditional methods just don't cut it anymore.

Scrubbing tools may get you some results, but they're not enough to clinch victory. And let's not forget that sharing your login credentials with social media extensions that promise to collect and auto-connect with followers is a strict no-no.

While scrubbers are handy at pulling contact info from the web, these contacts aren't personal. And until now, no company has managed to create a social media follower and data enrichment system that quite hits the mark.

Why do we bring all of this up?

Because you're probably wasting money and letting opportunities slip through the cracks, EVERYDAY...

And we want it to stop.

Picture this: you post something on your social media.

It goes viral.

Scores, or even hundreds, of potential opportunities come pouring in, as people like, comment, and share your post.

They're engaged with you, they admire you, and they're likely ready to buy from you.

Of course, you could manually collect each follower, but that's time-consuming.

Moreover, you'll probably only get their social media link and a name.

But what if you could employ an automatic system that could collect ALL of the most essential contact data of those smitten followers instantly?

We're talking about name, email, website, phone, physical address, the whole nine yards.

But hasn't this already been done?


Many entrepreneurs have patched together systems to accomplish this, using low-cost labor from developing countries. But these methods often yield inaccurate results and can rack up thousands of dollars a month.

Luckily, you don't have to go down that road anymore.

With the rise of AI capability, now's the perfect opportunity to ride the crest of this technological wave and propel your business forward at lightning speed. By focusing your efforts on your ideal customers, you can leave the guesswork behind.

After three decades in this game, my partner Sean and I have tried almost every source of lead data out there.

We've found that traditional lists still require substantial engagement and nurturing to close deals.

But with our new system, it's a whole different ball game.

With it, you can access the EXACT contact info you need at your fingertips.

Instead of struggling to get your BDRs, SDRs, or Sales Pros to engage and convert cold leads, our system ensures that engaged prospects land directly into your CRM.

Here's how it works...

Step 1: You create a post.

Step 2: Add the post to our platform and hit the "auto" button.

That's it!

Every time someone comments on your post or likes it, our system scours the internet, collects all the data on that prospect, and funnels the contact record straight into your CRM.

All that's left for you to do is reach out and say "hello," and you're pretty much guaranteed a sale, right?

Getting started is simple...

We're selective about who we work with, so fill out the application below. If you're the right fit, we'll set up a call with you within 48 hours.

Who's the right fit, you wonder?

Those who use social media to build influence and grow businesses.

Those who are established and have been running their business for a minimum of 2-5 years.

Those who have a sales team of 2+ people.

Those who are generating a minimum of $100,000 in revenue per year.

Your risk?


The call is completely free, and our team will explain EXACTLY how our system will work for you.

Every month, you'll receive brand new, super-engaged leads, enabling your team to breathe easier about where the next sale will come from.

We've seen this replace paid ads, save money, solve challenges, fill webinars week over week, and even double our clients' revenues within 90 days.

Your Investment?

A no brainer.



1,000 contact records/mo

Name, Company, Social Profile, Email, Phone Number

2 Account Logins

Access to FlowChat Basic Plan

Unlimited Post Tracking



2,500 contact records/mo

Name, Company, Social Profile, Email, Phone Number

4 Account Logins

Access to FlowChat Growth Plan

Unlimited Post Tracking

Access to Private Group Slack Channel

Access to 2 LIVE Strategy Calls Per Week (8 per month)

Complete Form and Book A Call
To Get Started Today!

Our Guarantee?

We're so confident it'll work for you, we'll refund 100% of your money if you're not satisfied, and you can keep the leads we've already given you.

Free leads, you bet!

Are you ready?

Complete the form below.

It's your turn.

Frequently Ask Questions

What is FlowData Used For?

FlowData is the trusty sidekick that salespeople, marketers, and recruiters have been waiting for.

Imagine a tool that not only supercharges your lead generation efforts, but also grants you access to a business contact database so vast, it's like holding the digital keys to the entrepreneurial kingdom.

Intrigued? You should be.

Put simply, FlowData is more than just a platform, it's your secret weapon.

Sales professionals, picture this: territory planning that's a breeze, lead scoring that's spot on, prospecting that's a joy, and targeted outreach that hits the bullseye every single time.

Sounds too good to be true?

With FlowData, it isn't.

For the marketers among us, here's a nugget of information that's sure to pique your interest.

FlowData can help you get up close and personal with your ideal customers and target companies in real time, the moment they visit your website.

Now, that's what we call power at your fingertips!

As for the recruiters out there, ever wished you could find the perfect passive candidate with just a few clicks? Well, wish no more. FlowData's hyper-specific search query filters allow you to cut through the noise and zero in on that ideal candidate.

It's all about working smarter, not harder.And there's more.

For those larger enterprise companies, we've thought about you too.

FlowData offers an API that gifts you direct access to our extensive database, so you can exert enhanced control over the data you receive.

Customize the solutions you need and integrate them seamlessly into your existing workflows.

The result?

A productivity boost and more revenue, just like you've always wanted.

In a nutshell, FlowData is your path to achieving more - more leads, more conversions, more growth.

So, are you ready to take the leap?

Trust us, you won't look back.

Is FlowData a worthwhile investment?

That's the burning question, isn't it?

If you're a business leader or procurement professional contemplating this decision, the answer you're seeking is yes.

Yes, FlowData is worth it, and here's why.

With a track record of steering its customers towards the holy grail of business objectives – profitable growth – FlowData is much more than just a value-for-money proposition.

Imagine a tool that doesn't just provide actionable data, but also automates processes, effectively supercharging your go-to-market efforts.

The result?

Delivering the right message, at just the right time, to that perfect prospect.

Now that's a game-changer!

But don't just take our word for it.

From ambitious startups to rapidly growing SMBs and well-established enterprise organizations, FlowData's benefits are far-reaching.

In fact, Customers swear by FlowData to identify, engage, and connect with buyers in their Total Addressable Market (TAM).

Discover the FlowData advantage and set your business on the path to profitable growth. Are you ready to get started?

Is FlowData legal?


FlowData exclusively focuses on collecting business-related data, think along the lines of professional email addresses or job titles within a company.

Lawmakers usually categorize this sort of information separately from more delicate details, such as browser history, health, financial information, or any info linked to a person's family or home life.

Rest assured, FlowData does not venture into these private territories. In our commitment to your security, we've got an internal team whose sole focus is to keep a watchful eye on our data and research practices.

They make it their mission to ensure everything we do aligns with all the important data protection and privacy laws, GDPR and CCPA included.

So, do we handle your data with respect and integrity at FlowData?

You bet we do!

We take our responsibility to safeguard your information seriously, and that's a promise.

Trust in us, as you focus on taking your business to greater heights.

After all, you've got more important things to do, like turning those dreams into reality.

Ready to take the plunge with FlowData?

Meet The Team

Chris Baden


Bruno Domingues


Sean Malone


© 2023 C.O.R.E. Enterprises LLC

4730 S. Fort Apache Rd Ste 300, NV 89147, USA

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